What does it really value to us in our lives? How do we want to change the world? Do we want to change it at all? Why do we run a company? Why do we want to grow? Why do we get up every morning and get on a bike or car to get to the office? What would we like to do more every day, and what things or habits would we like to get rid of completely? What sets us apart from other IT companies? Would we do what we do today when we are only one year old? Would we treat our colleagues as we treat them now?

There are a lot of questions that many entrepreneurs find unnecessary or too difficult and time consuming and decide to leave "for later". There's no need to make any combination, we have a lot to do, 8 hours is never enough anyway, so how else would we try to answer questions that are so intricate, even existential? Let's do our best, let's work more and harder, and everything will work out somehow... yes, it will work out, but it will work out the way the future without vision and purpose can. A quote from James Clear fits in perfectly with this one, which I will throw in the original English version below.

„Your current habits are perfectly designed to deliver your current results.” – James Clear

At Rocksoft, we ask ourselves these kinds of difficult questions to answer honestly whether we have a vision that leads us to where we want to be... whether we have a vision that makes our employees think about the next day, having this inner peace and joy that today they will have the opportunity to do something interesting again, discover something new, solve a problem, talk to people whose attitude and enthusiasm inspire, who support them as they are. We ask ourselves such questions and are not ashamed if it turns out that the answer to many of them is "no" for the time being. We're not ashamed because we know we're only at the beginning of the road and "no", as Chris Voss writes, does not mean failure. "No" is not the opposite of "yes," but the way to "yes." "No" is the beginning of the road.

The pace of today's world is dizzying and we haven't seen each other, and it's been more than two years since we started to grow seriously. However, we see more and more clearly every day how much still lies ahead. Many things are unknown to us, and we can learn a lot - from friends, from local companies, from global tycoons, from individuals... in short, there is something to learn, you just need to know what and from whom. The possibilities in this area are fantastic today; podcasts, books, films, audiobooks, e-books, articles, social media - it is amazing how much knowledge we have access to.

"Our main goal is to create an environment in which ambitious people, who want to gain more and more skills and experience, would feel like fish in the water."

The theory often seems simple, but implementing it is quite a challenge - especially since there are already more than 20 of us at Rocksoft; each with his or her own unique and unique character, but importantly, each with something unique to offer the company and associates. Our main goal is to create an environment in which ambitious people, who want to gain more and more skills and experience, would feel like fish in the water. We want to form such an environment together - talking to employees, listening to their opinions and feelings, supporting, above all, those people who really have this spark in their eyes, when there is a challenge, when something goes wrong and a solution must be found. We also want to have people among us who are able to inspire and teach everyone around us with their attitude. We want to create a collective that is first and foremost stunningly competent, but also honest, open and supportive of every member of the team, project and company. We strive to make Rocksoft a place for people with passion, ambition and knowledge!

We strive to make Rocksoft a place for people with passion, ambition and knowledge!

Oskar Pilch