The year 2023 was exceptionally busy and productive for Rocksoft. We look back with thankfulness and humbleness for what we went through together with our extraordinary team. Working hard and effectively on all our and our customers’ projects shapes the future and a new era for our company.

Firstly, I would like to thank you, dear Rocksoft Team, for all your support, hard work, and feedback, and especially for your significant effort in committed work for our customers. Without such dedication, achieving our shared goals would not have been possible.

At the end of last year, we proudly launched Pelican, an AI-powered app designed to help individuals build financial freedom. A few innovative ideas are coming up and we’ll publish them on our profile on LinkedIn so be sure, dear reader, to follow us if you’re interested in how we’re doing.

Secondly, I’m incredibly grateful for unique collaborations with our customers. All thanks for your trust in all these years and inspiring and challenging projects we have had so far. I’m looking forward to the next adventures ahead of us.  

Predictions for 2024

My predictions of what this year will look like for Rocksoft and our community? In my opinion, this will be a special year for all of us – a year of sustainability. Recently, we’ve acquired a range of technologies and tools that came to our hands and now we’re still in the adoption phase. What we have already seen in our portfolio, our customers are focusing on the effective usage of resources (time and money). Being part of this process is something that motivates us to improve our quality of services and emphasizes the strong focus on creating innovative solutions that are both efficient and responsible.

New in IT in 2024?

In addition, this will be a challenging year for young people starting their careers in IT. Because of modern technologies like AI, the entrance for fresh graduates is already significantly higher than a year ago. At Rocksoft, we are actively monitoring this trend and proactively supporting newcomers in their early career stages. We’ve already accepted several candidates for an internship in Q1 and Q2, and we’re looking for talents that can flourish in our area.

A boy stands at the base of a tall wall, looking up at a long wooden ladder leading to the top.

We’re excited for 2024

As 2024 begins, our focus goes beyond just using new technologies or being sustainable. It's about really making a difference for our clients, team, and community. We aim to innovate in ways that truly improve and simplify life and work. This year, we're all about learning, adapting, and working together with understanding. We're excited to make 2024 a special year and to explore new possibilities. Let's work together to shape a bright future with the technology we create.

Cheers to a year filled with growth and amazing achievements!

Leonardo Di Caprio is celebrating new year
Piotr Czyż
Piotr Czyż

Piotr is the Founder and CEO of Rocksoft with 14 years of experience as a developer. He has a strong background in software development and agile methodologies, having worked on diverse projects across multiple industries. Piotr is passionate about creating innovative solutions that drive business success.