In August this year we started RockTalks; a series of talks by our people about things that are important to us. These are not necessarily topics related to technology.

We think it's a great initiative because of 2 reasons:

  • We can learn how to speak in public.
  • It's easier to learn something if you know you're going to present it. This way, you can choose a new topic to speak about and use some time to find more about it before presenting it to the others.

The first RockTalk was given by Piotr Czyż, who spoke about prioritising. He emphasised that one should focus on the important things, not the urgent ones. In that way you can be successful. Piotr shared some habits that help him remain focused on one task at a time, such as Pomodoro technique and "Do not disturb" mode.

Man standing by a slide of presentation, explaining something
Piotr Czyż giving his speech - Aug 17, 2022

Second RockTalk was two weeks later. This time it was Michał Kupczak's turn to tell us some key information about giving first aid and behaving in case of emergency. Michał has several years of experience as a volunteer lifeguard. He also tested our knowledge on whether a place is safe to give first aid to our neighbor or not. A good lifeguard is a living lifeguard, not a dead one.

Then we had a four weeks break until Mariusz Czyż stood up and spoke about healthy lifestyle and physical activity.

He started with this meme:

Meme about not excersicing
Meme about not excersicing

Then he went on to say that every human being is meant to be active, not only some chosen ones should excercise. There is a difference in the intensity of an excercise, but one should at least walk every day. And you don't have to use an app for it. Our health isn't bound by number of kcal measured by our smartphone.

The fourth talk was about proactive and reactive language. Edwin Nooitgedagt talked about the infuence of our language on our way of thinking and vice versa. It all comes to three key points, he said: Influence, Power and Responsibility. Reactive people want to have as little responsibility as possible, while proactive people recognize the situations where they can take responsibility and are not afraid to take it. We can see it clearly by the language reactive people use: "There’s nothing I can do", "I have to", "I can't", "You ruined my day" etc. Proactive people say rather: "There’s gotta be a way", "I choose to", "I can do better than that", "Let’s look at all the options" etc. Huge difference in the way of thinking.

We look forward to more talks on interesting topics!

Edwin Nooitgedagt
Edwin Nooitgedagt

Edwin has 6 years of project leadership experience and 2 failed start-up tries. Passionate about checklists in processes, Edwin loves things that bring value to the world. And coffee. Privately, a husband and father of two.